Leverage AI In Your Business


Vertycal Boost is an ever forward team, always pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. Our latest integration is Artificial Intelligence within our website and marketing processes – which will guarantee unique insights for your business goals.

Is your business ready for the future?






Heard Of ChatGPT?

OpenAI has trained a model called ChatGPT which interacts in a conversational way. The dialogue format makes it possible for ChatGPT to answer followup questions, admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect premises, and reject inappropriate requests.

ChatGPT is a sibling model to InstructGPT, which is trained to follow an instruction in a prompt and provide a detailed response.

This is just one of the AI integrations that your business can benefit from.

A Few Ways Vertycal Boost And AI Can Help Your Business 

1. Bidding on Programmatic Media Buys

A problem that marketing teams often encounter is deciding where to place advertisements and messaging. Marketing teams can create informed plans based on user preferences, but these teams are often not flexible or agile enough to alter the plan in real-time based on the latest consumer information. AI marketing is being used by Vertycal Boost to mitigate this challenge through programmatic advertising. 

2. Select the Right Message

Across channels, different consumers respond to different messages – some may resonate with an emotional appeal, some humor, others logic. Machine learning and AI marketing can track which messaging consumers have responded to and create a more complete user profile. From there, Vertycal Boost can serve more customized messages to users based on their preferences. 

3. Granular Personalization

A highly granular level of personalization is expected by today’s consumers. Marketing messages should be informed by a user’s interests, purchase history, location, past brand interactions, and a host of other data points. AI marketing helps Vertycal Boost go beyond standard demographic data to learn about consumer preferences on a granular, individual level. This helps brands create curated experiences based on a customer’s unique tastes. 

4. Chatbots and Conversational Experiences

With the development of natural language processing through AI, chatbots are now being used to augment customer service agents. Customers with more basic queries can refer to chatbots which will give immediate, accurate answers. They will be able to leverage past questions and historical data to deliver personalized results. This gives time back to customer service agents to work on complicated requests that need more human nuance.

5. Predictive Marketing Analytics

With so much data flowing into their organization every day, marketing teams are having a hard time actually deriving insights from it. AI marketing tools allows Vertycal Boost to make the most of this data using predictive analytics, which leverages a combination of machine learning, algorithms, models, and datasets to predict future behavior. This can help digital marketing teams understand the types of products a consumer will be looking for and when – allowing them to position campaigns more accurately.

6. Marketing Operations

Another key use case for AI marketing tools is to increase efficiency across various processes.  AI can help to automate tactical processes such as the sorting of marketing data, answering common customer questions, and conducting security authorizations. This allows Vertycal Boost more time to work on strategic and analytical work. 

7. Dynamic Pricing

AI marketing can help make brands more competitive by enabling dynamic pricing. AI platforms can suggest optimal prices for products in real-time by evaluating huge quantities of historical and competitive data. This strategy has been especially effective in retail. It allows brands to adjust prices to reflect demand for certain products, boost sales, and edge out the competition.

It’s Time You Leverage AI

We’re here to help you scale. The online world is constantly changing – and that’s where we come in. From starting as an idea, it now evolved to a fully blown agency with over 15 employees. Our logic is that if we can scale our business efficiently, then we can help you achieve it too!

Allow us to manage your website and marketing with our international standard skillsets.

Our Boosted Services

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Website Design

Everything you need from a basic website, to landing pages and lead magnets 

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Search Engine Optimisation

Time to rank your site higher on Google search results. Free traffic is the best traffic

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PPC Advertising

No marketing strategy is complete without a form of paid advertising. Allow our certified team to take over Google Pay Per Click

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Social Media Marketing

Arguably the most popular and fastest growing form of marketing. Our experts will pick the best platforms, content, graphics and more

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